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The Righteous Indignation of the Woke!: Can “Black People” have fun and be conscious?

The Righteous Indignation of the Woke! Can “Black People” have fun and be conscious? Ever since the “Chicken Wars” started between Popeye’s Chicken and Chick-Fil-A over their respective chicken sandwiches there have been two trains of thought. One side laughs, make memes and videos about how good the sandwich is and chooses sides. The other side talks about how silly it is for black people to run around making such a fuss over a damn chicken sandwich. Which side is right? But a more poignant question comes to mind . . .   Can Black people simply enjoy something and just have fun? Some plain and wholesome fun without having to always "be woke" or turn everything into a civil rights issue? Do we have to analyze every facet of our behavior to see if it measures up to the Malcolm, Martin, Marcus standard? I will admit it, I too am judgmental and tend to look at “our” behavior from a collective group perspective. Meaning that the individual represents the group a

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