Is nothing sacred?

The hidden agenda behind gender-norming the Scouts

Personally, I believe in "separate but equal", but acclaimed civil rights attorney and late Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall successfully argued that "separate but equal" is inherently "unequal". Now years later, the African-American Community has buyer's remorse. We now see that wholesale integration isn't always good and we need to keep some things specifically for us. Historically school districts are still segregated and that is a derivative of the push back from those who refused to comply with the laws of the land. That created poorer schools, red-lining, and re-appropriating tax dollars.

I digress . . .  Now we have young girls who want to be part of the traditional Boy Scouts. The reason cited is to earn the coveted Eagle Scout Badge which is a great leadership symbol and resume and college application stuffer. Forgive my ignorance regarding the Girl Scouts but do they have a badge that equals the Eagle Scouts? And if they don't, why haven't they taken measures to build a program that rivals the Boy Scouts?

These are formative years for young men and young women. Developing your identity, your personality is part defining who you will become. There are some things that boys need to do und=fettered and unhindered and likewise, young girls need to be amongst other young girls and woman who can impart certain values that are specific and germane to certain genders. To me, this is another end-around to introduce an agenda propagated by the LGBTQ community.  They don’t want a binary system that identifies males and females and it is evident in this particular program.
I earnestly believe that soon they will not only have but promote Gay, Lesbian and possibly Transgender Scout leaders who will push their lifestyle on impressionable youth. My ultimate issue is that we don’t have equal programs the girls as we have for the boys. 

My conclusion is that we are headed down a road that leads us off the edge. Instead of trying to force our way in let's develop alternatives that measure up  Let’s even the playing field not change the game!

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