An embarrassment of riches!

Why does a woman who seemingly has it all feel as if she is lacking? “There once was a woman with a Virginia ham under her arm who cried because she had no bread”

Mrs. Stephen Curry, otherwise known as Ayesha, recently appeared on Jada Pinkett Smith’s Red Table Talk Podcast. The round table forum allows guests and interviewer to ask questions and give “the real” on life’s issues as it relates to them.  Jada had the ladies of eth Curry family sit down with her, her mother and daughter for a little introspective conversation.
One question that Jada asked was, “How do you deal with all of the women around your husband”. Ayesha revealed that all the attention her husband received in some way made her a little insecure. She felt as though she never receives male attention outside of the marriage and that makes her question herself. Well, many who heard this comment were up in arms. Truthfully it came off as unappreciative. Here is a woman who ostensibly has everything a woman could ask for; money, career, husband, children, a modicum of celebrity and she still isn’t satisfied. Most women would trade places with her in an instant yet she longs to be “desired” or “wanted” by other men so that her ego and self-esteem can be fed.
How rude! She is married to a celebrity athlete ad she receives the perks from that relationship. When he’s hot she gets warm too. From all accounts, Steph Curry is a “good guy”. He is a family man who was brought up in a stable family. He is a man of faith who doesn’t take himself too seriously. Through sheer hard work and dedication, he has built a brand and legacy that is worth millions and she gets to ride along. She is his wife, his partner, his confidant and they are supposed to be tighter pantyhoses two sizes small. So this begs the question, why does she feel that she is lacking attention or need attention?
If she were not Steph Curry’s wife who would she be? Would you even know her name? I am not saying she couldn’t have started a business of her own but certainly having name recognition and startup capital and of course, access to movers and shakers helps. She has had success as an entrepreneur, she is married to her college sweetheart, and they have three happy and healthy children with family support. Money isn’t an issue so what is it? Is your need to be the center of attention stronger than your understanding of how fortunate you are? Is your “me” bugger than your “we”?
Steph and Ayesha were married at an early age ad dated very young so they have been together for a very long time. In any relationship, there are times when you need a change of pace, a little mystery, and imagination. That’s certainly understandable, but if you have a loving, caring and supportive husband you’d better count your blessings and look inward for your happiness. I have always said, “I can’t make you happy, I can only contribute to your happiness”. If a person is not content and appreciative of what they have they will ever be satisfied. No matter how hard you stroke their ego, how many hoops you jump through, how much you spend, how much time you set aside or how many times you make efforts to show your love and appreciation . . . they won’t be satisfied.

If a man, who is seemingly a good man and a good provider isn’t good enough what chance does an average guy have? I think she may have a little too much time and money on her hands. She isn’t being realistic and hasn’t tested the dating pool lately. Many of my female friends talk with disgust about the lack of good, eligible men in the gating market. I hope that Ayesha Curry’s public faux pas was just a personal issue that isn’t the beginnings of malcontentedness and dissatisfaction. I hope that she will look in the mirror and do an honest evaluation of herself and not look outside of her home for her self-worth.

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