Your complaining is threatening to me!

Black woman violently assaulted by police . . . after calling them for help?

What kind of policing is this? What kind of training and de-escalation techniques are they applying? Why is it when "people of color", NO, let's not play that game . . . Why is it when Black people voice their disdain or displeasure we are seen as an immediate threat?

I hope that you can see and understand the tremendoud duality of existence black peope face in thsi country? On one hand, we are citizens of this country and want to participate in its fullness. On the another hand we have been reminded that we dont have equal right and we will not be treated fairly. It makes you ask what will it take to sinple=y be treated as a humna being. No preferential treateent, no setasides just plain decency.

In cases such as this, I always reverse the scenarios. I wonder how many white women would have been yelled at, berated, belittled, disregarded and subsequently put in a choke hold and arrested for simply voicing their displeasure? They called the police because they had a weapon pulled on them and because they were threatened. The scene itself reminded me of archival footage from the civil rights era. There is a brief video of white segregationists talking and making a black man humble himself and cower in front of them ( The reason this black woman was accosted is that she was black and because she was not submissive. She wasn't rude or disrespectful and yet her displeasure was interpreted as aggression and a violation.

Is it the training that officers go through or a lack of training? Are they taught to control the scene no matter the situation and no matter the violation? Are they not "peace officers" who should deescalate the situation instead of ramping up the intensity?  Some will say, "Why is race an issue in everything with black people"?  I wonder the same thing. Why is race an issue? In a country that clutches to a bible and its virtues, "Do unto others . . . " is not one that most people adhere to. At what point will this come to a head? At what point will a people who have been victimized and brutalized start fighting back?

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