Cultural Sabotage
 By Gary J. Lewis

It's shameful! For generations, Black athletes who played football were held back from certain positions because of racial stereotypes placed upon them. They weren't smart enough, they weren't leaders, they don't have good character . . . all code words used to demean the integrity and ability of back athletes. This young man, Kyler Murray,  is a two-sport All-Star, a Heisman trophy winning quarterback, played at a major university and excelled in every way, never had any on or off the field issues yet this so-called evaluator of talent throws imaginary dirt on him. I would wager to bet that Kyler Murray is a confident, self-assured, accomplished introvert and the fact that he doesn't come into any meeting or interview with his "hat in hand" is immediately perceived as arrogance or aloofness. He doesn't show his teeth, buck dance, he doesn't play politics and certainly "doesn't suffer fools gladly" and I understand him quite well. Some athletes are so happy t be invited they are gratuitous in their deportment. Kyler probably knows that he belongs. Let the young man just just play the game that he has excelled at and let the chips fall where they may!


  1. Hi how can I get in contact with you for a radio interview?


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